
About Me

Ola! My name is Michelle, you can call me mich for short.

Just like every typical girl out there, I love fashion and beauty. Minus the popular misconception that girls "love to splurge on lavish items". I'm the kind who would gladly trade a luxury handbag that costs a few grand for a slew of brandless yet cheap n' gorgeous bags without even batting an eyelid. Auntie, it may seem. Yes, I'm a true blue Singaporean! Welcome to Me! What's truly Michelle is that I also have a thing for music, travel, sports, arts n' culture...

My world can never be silent. Till date, I've tried electronic keyboard and ukulele. Jack of all trades, master of none. Just like how I pick up different sports like volleyball, squash, archery and languages like French and Korean at different phases of my life. Hah, guess I just love to have a go at everything! Music perks me up, and I secretly bops my head or jiggle my body to rhythms. Irony is that I have really bad hand-leg coordination. Don't try me!

Part of me wish that I could travel for a living. Wishful thinking, i know! Each travel escapade leaves me learning something new about the country's culture and a deeper connection with my travel companions, now that we share a same piece of memory that we can occasionally reminisce together. My stint in an advertising agency has also helped me to appreciate arts, design and creativity even more. So I guess if you stay tuned to my blog, you'll definitely be seeing a lot on the above topics!

In a nutshell, that's some quick facts about me! I'm finally starting to write again. Starting this blog afresh for the sole purpose of sharing and having my thoughts heard cos' Cancerians love to share and also as a form of archive of my lifelong journey! Keep checking back for more ya? ;)